Go Vocal is a digital community engagement platform built to take your participation projects to the next level. Enhance decision-making and build trust in your community by engaging large audiences with one centralised tool, streamlining project management, and improving input analysis.
You're looking to reach more people online and offline while also making your project management and insight analysis more efficient. Go Vocal’s engagement platform is designed to meet your needs. Moreover, you'll thrive with the backing of our participation experts, who are deeply committed to helping you solve your unique challenges.
The Go Vocal platform offers a centralised, comprehensive toolbox that makes it easy to achieve widespread engagement and reveal actionable insights, paving the way for smarter, informed decision-making.
Whether you need a sounding board or a hands-on advisor, our participation specialists are there to support you. Go Vocal clients benefit from extensive training and support to make the most of their platform and projects.
Explore our case studies to discover tips and best practices from successful initiatives leveraging our digital platform.
Newham recently evaluated their Community Assemblies initiative, now known as People Powered Places. This article outlines a summary of the report’s key insights and ideas for future improvement. Read on to kindle fresh ideas for invigorating engagement within your own community!
Havant Borough embarked on an ambitious journey to involve residents in creating its Local Plan: “Building a Better Future”. Apart from getting valuable insights from as many people as possible, the team also wanted to set the stage for continuous engagement. By leveraging the CitizenLab platform, Havant was able to set up a more collaborative, inclusive, and efficient process.
Is a public consultation on a topic as sensitive as waste collections a recipe for disaster? It doesn’t have to be. Wokingham Borough Council proves that with well-designed engagement and communication strategies, you don’t need to fear getting overwhelmed by a flood of – potentially negative – reactions. Here’s how their team made a public consultation on a new waste collection strategy a success.
At Go Vocal, impact isn’t just an afterthought - it’s a core part of our business.
governments and organisations of all sizes have worked with us across 20 countries
projects have been launched across various policy areas: from planning, housing and climate action to transportation and participatory budgeting.
residents have engaged on our platform to shape the future of their communities by engaging in their local communities.
Climate change, social equity, affordable housing, and sustainable mobility top the list of priorities for local governments. To address these effectively, there's an urgent need for better planning tools to meaningfully engage residents in the decision-making process. That’s why we’ve recently released a significant upgrade of our platform's interactive Mapping suite, turning it into a powerful toolbox for local governments and planners to harness collective wisdom and foster collaborative problem-solving.
This guide will walk you through the basics of digital community engagement and is meant to serve as a resource for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. After all, setting a solid foundation for your community engagement initiative is key to its success.
Surveys are the “bread and butter” of consultation and engagement work - and in recognition we’ve recently made improvements to our native survey tool. However, there is an art to asking the right questions in the right sequence and with the right prompts. After all, we don’t want residents to abandon the process due to frustration or have gaps in our understanding of the issues. And there are some subtle differences between online and offline designs that need to be accounted for. So, at a time when consultations have been challenged in court over a single dubious question or the lack of a key questions, getting things right is paramount. What are the necessary ingredients for creating a good resident experience with such a blunt tool? How can we avoid clouding issues? Join us for the answers.