Whether you’re looking to launch a project, are already running one, or are at the report-out phase, a strong communications plan will help drive the success of your efforts.
This guide will walk you through the basics of digital community engagement and is meant to serve as a resource for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike. After all, setting a solid foundation for your community engagement initiative is key to its success.
Are you keeping pace with the latest trends in community engagement? To keep you ahead of the curve, we've compiled a special guide spotlighting five essential trends every participation professional needs to know for 2024. This compilation draws on insights from our collaborations with over 500 governments in 2023.
Participatory budgeting has emerged as one of the strongest methods of community engagement for governments looking to make their communities more inclusive and participatory. By organizing a participatory budget, you can tap directly into the collective intelligence of your community and align the allocation of public funds with real-life community needs.